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Lightning talks Thursday

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Lightning talks on Thursday at the Plone Conference 2017 in Barcelona.

Andreas Jung: Plone and the blockchain

Blockchain is the base technology behind bitcoin, but it is not bound to crypto currencies. It is a distributed data structure, usually based on peer to peer. No central entity of control.

Each block has a hash of its previous block, timestamp, transaction root, and a nonce.

Use cases: auditing, financial transactions, logistics, QA, legal, automotive, others.

What does this have to do with Plone and CMS? Some ideas:

  • revision safety
  • audit trail
  • verification of content integrity and authenticity

Our use case: collaborative editing environment. So we created SmashDocs. Using Plone and BigChainDb.

Erico Andrei: Websauna

Websauna is a web framework based on Pyramid. is created with that, also with blockchain BTW. Miko says hi!

I am using it too, and helping him. We want you on board as well, and we can sprint on it. Also we want to improve Pyramid. Move Websauna to Pyramid 1.9. Documentation. User testing.


Alexander, Anton: Ploneconf and PyconWeb

Why don't we make a PyconWeb conference? We did that last year. Next one starting on 9 June 1918. See you at

Fred van Dijk: Music to your ears

Confession: I am a bit of an audiophile. When I talk with people about how they listen to music, I get sad. Lot of people use a ten euro headphone. "I don't hear a difference with more expensive ones." I am convinced that a better audio setup helps you work better.

What is the weakest link? Music source (up the settings), D/A converter (underestimated component), cables (spend twenty euros, that's the sweet spot), headphones (ten euro and you expect quality?).

If you divide the costs over the number of hours you listen music: I came at six cents an hour.

Especially the D/A converter (USB) really helped me.

Nejc Zupan: A few Pyramid goodies by Niteo

  • pyramid_force_https
  • pyramid_redirect
  • pyramid_heroku

Releases are on PyPI, enjoy!

Manuel Reinhardt: Giesing 2060

Science fiction writing project about an area of Munich in the year 2060. Using Plone, two content types, snippets that give links to other story snippets, different story lines, you can read through it in various ways.

If you like reading or writing science fiction or Python code, or both, have a look at

Alexander Pilz: Ten years of Euphorie

A Plone success story.

This is a software to guide employers and employees for mandatory health and safety risk assessment. In 2007 Euphorie was created by Wichert Akkerman and Cornelis Kolbach, with the NuPlone interface (currently still working on Plone 5 actually). In 2008 adopted by Europe. In 2016 interest by an industry client of ours.

Why was this successful with Plone? Customisation and enhancement was made easy. Good security. Open source. Now they no longer need to cary kilos of paperwork to factories.

Jens Klein: Alpine City Sprint

I invite you to come to Innsbruck to work with us on the next Plone. Today on an open space we discussed that we may be using Zope 4 on Plone 5.2, and we can work on that.

Welcome January 2018 in Austria. We always visit a special place as well, now a space lab, with simulation for Mars missions.