I'm an experienced developer with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry. I'm skilled in Python, JavaScript, PHP and many other technologies which would be tedious to name. I participated in Google Summer of Code 2017 for the Plone Foundation as a software developer aimed to make life easier for designers and theme editors. I have a strong entrepreneurship professional background with a Bachelor of Science BSc focused in Computer Science from University of the West Indies, Mona Campus. My aim as a citizen of Computer Science is to improve Digital CX and use of technology in Jamaica and the world at large.
Currently, I work at Alteroo Consulting Group as a Full Stack Software Developer to innovate until I find something new to innovate. I mostly work with Plone and other python frameworks like Kotti and Pyramid at Alteroo Consulting Group. However, I have experience working with tonnes of different frameworks outside of the Python world. I occasionally do freelancing jobs on Truelancers and other websites. I'm a big fan of Gitlab and a contributor to a number of open source packages. My GitHub page speaks for me. I'm widely known as b4oshany. I love coding, problem-solving and challenging task. It is my belief that there's a solution for everything, we just haven't figured it out as yet. I like learning new tricks and trade. The only problem I have is that I have too much to learn at times and it gets depressing when I realize I don't know 10% of the worldly knowledge. However, I strive for perfection in everything I do.
experienced developer and Google Summer of Code 2017 participant