Ramon Bartl is a diploma computer scientist who researched already during his studies and in his final year project in 2006 ways to import and export Plone contents in a neutral format. The final project was released under the name `collective.plone.gsxml`, which was able to import and export complete directory structures via Plone's Generic Setup Tool.
Six years later he released `plone.jsonapi.core`, which provided a generic way to register JSON routes in Plone. In 2014 he built `plone.jsonapi.routes` on top of it, which provides a RESTful Web API to Plone and works out of the box with custom content types as well as standard content types in Plone 4 and Plone 5. This project is still maintained and continues to grow.
In 2016 Ramon finished a two year MBA programme. He founded during this time his own company RIDING BYTES that provides professional open source solutions. In this time he also joined the Bika (Open Source LIMS; https://bikalims.org) project and became a core developer and release manager of this project. His vision is to build a modern web application on top of Bika LIMS that provides a modern UI and a fast interface to Plone.
° Diploma computer scientist
° MBA Graduate
° Founder of RIDING BYTES (German LLC that provides professional open source solutions)
° Plone developer scince 2004
° Bika LIMS core developer and release manager
° Python and JavaScript (CoffeeScript) coder
° Author of several Plone Add-ons (collective.plone.gsxml, collective.logbook, collective.uploadify, plone.jsonapi.core, plone.jsonapi.routes and several smaller packages)
diploma'd computer scientist, founder of RIDING BYTES professional open source solutions